Woroni TV is Hiring for 2021!
Comments Off on Woroni TV is Hiring for 2021!Woroni TV is hiring! We are looking for some fun, creative and passionate sub-editors and senior sub-editors to join the team!
See below for some information about the various positions.
Contact matthew@woroni.com.au for more details
Executive Producer:
The Executive Producer will work closely with the TV Editor in daily TV team management, and act as another authoritative resource for content production, both from an assistance and troubleshooting position. They will be responsible for tasks including but not limited to:
Organising team meetings;
Minuting meetings and writing up action plans after each meeting;
Aspects of internal professional development;
Coordinating our external services for the student body and actively looking for opportunities for video production; and
Troubleshooting and assisting in video production for smaller teams.
The role is expected to require approx. 10-15 hours of work per week, including compulsory weekly team meetings that you must be available for. This is a volunteer position, with the possibility of honoraria.
TV Producer:
TV Producers will work closely with their assigned media specialists in small teams, and be primarily responsible for the creative and organisational oversight of production. They will report directly to the TV Editor and Executive Producer. They will be responsible for tasks including but not limited to:
Oversight of all aspects of video production for their respective teams (pre-production, production and post-production. Mostly scheduling, organisation, and creative oversight and leadership);
Managing a small team consisting of two (2) assigned media specialists
Ensuring the final deliverable is of sufficient quality and accessibility.
Additionally, it will be expected that Producers will have a basic-intermediate knowledge of all other aspects of video content production – this includes basic skills in camera operation and production. This is particularly important for Producers, given their more managerial role in the process of content production.
The role is expected to require approx. 8-10 hours of work per week, including compulsory weekly team meetings that you must be available for. This is a volunteer position, with the possibility of honoraria.
Production Assistant:
Production Assistants will work to assist their Producer in small teams, throughout the production of content. Formerly two separate roles (Video Editor and Camera Operator) the Production Assistant role provides individuals with the flexibility to take on different tasks within the team. Production Assistants will be responsible for tasks including but not limited to:
Pitching and providing input on video ideas
Operating audio and camera equipment to film relevant footage for video content;
Editing videos in Adobe Premiere Pro
Knowledge in the fields of camera operating, photography, video editing, and/or animation & graphics is preferred but not required.
The role is expected to require approx. 8-10 hours of work per week, including compulsory weekly team meetings that you must be available for. This is a volunteer position, with the possibility of honoraria.
Woroni TV Applications 2021
Applications are now open to join the Woroni TV team in 2021!
Student Number*Degree*Year of Study in 2021*Position Applying For*Executive ProducerProducerProduction AssistantWhy would you like to join Woroni TV and what would you bring to the table?*What experience do you have in video production or similar kinds of content production?*What other commitments do you have throughout the semester, and how would you balance these with your role at Woroni?*If you are unsuccessful in applying for this position, what would be your second choice?*Pitch a video Woroni TV could make in 2021*Favourite film or TV show from the past year?*Are you available for an interview from 23rd-25th of January or 30th Jan-3rd Feb.?*Yes, in personYes, via SkypeNot at allPlease indicate your availability for an interview between the 23rd-25th of Jan. or the 30th Jan.-3rd Feb.? Eg dates and times you are available/unavailable.*
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Woroni Editor